viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

How to build a building

Land verification/checking: strength properties and charasteristics of the land, as well as the depth are analised

Earth- works and trench works: the land is prepared

Foundation: shoes are built. When land is less resistant, reinforced concrete slabs are built. It is verydeep piles are used.Sorted water discharge are built

Frame constructions: frame is hold on reinforced concrete or steel piles. Over piles and walls, trusses and forged are placed

Lifting enclosures: enclosures are the walls which cover the outer building

Facilities placemenet: gas, heat and cold water disposal are placed

Finishing: plaster, floors, … are placed

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


1-Flexion effort
2- Flexion effort
3- Compression effort
4- Flexion effort
5- Compression effort
6- Traction effort

1- Traction effort
2- Traction effort
3- Compression effort
4- Flexion effort

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

Technical Project with link to google docs

Definition of a technical project: the different activities carried out since one problem arises until we are able to solve it... (click here)

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009


Definition of a technical project: the different activities carried out since one problem arises until we are able to solve it. This method of work consists of the following steps:
  1. Define the problem: the situation that need to be solved is clearly defined.
  2. Look for solutions: searching for information, analyzing similar objects, raising different solutions and choosing the most appropriate one.
  3. Design the object: in this step the idea is set and it is described in written and graphic form.
  4. Planning: it has to do with anticipating the jobs that are going to be carried out, handing out the job, obtaining the materials and preparing the tools
  5. Construction: it is necessary to manufacture the different parts separately and later put them together.
  6. Evaluation: one tests how the object works and corrects the design if necessary.
  7. Communication of results: it is necessary to present a technical report in which one describes the whole process.

traducción translate

Definición de proyecto técnico: las diferentes actividades llevadas desde que surge un problema hasta que nosotros podemos solucionarlos. Este método de trabajo tiene los siguientes pasos:

  1. definir el problema: la situación que necesita ser resuelta esta claramente definida
  2. buscar soluciones: buscar información, analizar objetos similares, se muestran las diferentes soluciones y se elige la más apropiada
  3. diseñar el objeto: en este paso la idea esta en juego y se describe y se da la forma grafica
  4. planificación: se hace la revisión del trabajo que vas a hacer, se reparte el trabajo, se obtienen los materiales y se preparan las herramientas
  5. construcción: es necesario fabricar las diferentes partes separadas y después juntarlas todas
  6. evaluación: se hace una prueba con los objetos de trabajo y se corrige el diseño si es necesario
  7. comunicación de los resultados: es necesario presentar un trabajo técnico que describe todo lo necesario del proceso